Live Blogging African-Atlantic Futures

Past Events The conference is being documented via live blogging by playwright and poet Zodwa Nyoni and scholar/ theatre practitioner Dr Aylwyn Walsh. Together, we will be in conversation with the speakers in a call and response form. Feel free to contribute on Twitter using the hashtag ♯afrofuturesZodwa: She is UK based, with production Ode
Live Blogging African-Atlantic Futures

Past Events

The conference is being documented via live blogging by playwright and poet Zodwa Nyoni and scholar/ theatre practitioner Dr Aylwyn Walsh. Together, we will be in conversation with the speakers in a call and response form.

Feel free to contribute on Twitter using the hashtag ♯afrofutures

Zodwa: She is UK based, with production Ode to Leeds on the main stage at West Yorkshire Playhouse, and work produced on Radio 3 amongst others.

Aylwyn: South African academic based at the University of Leeds, where she runs the MA in Applied Theatre and Intervention, she is artistic director of Ministry of Untold Stories.

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