Memory & Performance: Creativity and Critique

Across the three days of the conference it has seemed to me that there has been a common thread that has run throughout – the necessity of performance engaging with both critique and creativity.This is my observation and is far from exhaustive of the multiple insights of the conference. This combination of critique and creativity
a mid afternoon poem/ provocation
Past Events Thinking with our presenters about fugitivity, refusal, flight and the limits of representation, I’m reminded of a poem by Fred Moten:test:… you have to refuse in real time with things that revise in real time when the wind is closed… we quiver with work and revival. We carry ourselves till you ready to
My ‘second life of seeing’

5 January 2023I’m watching men in high viz jackets dismantle the holiday winter wonderland, with all of its lights in the lake and woods. I don’t come here often anymore; in fact, I hardly come at all. That said, I’ve been trying to get in to the woods for the past week and a half
A Search for ‘the loving father’

Past Events ‘At the dawn of individuation a life raft thus appears on the horizon of the ‘oceanic feeling’: the loving father’—Julia KristevaA path I took while walking along the coast of Trébeurden, Côtes d’Armor.Isn’t this what I was getting at in Self-Portrait as Othello? So much of that book was about characterizing the search

As a theatre practitioner, I have responded to some of what we have heard about in the past 3 days: · How do we work across trans-national contexts to enable understandings of other contexts; or lives different in terms of context and materiality? · What emerges through limitations of singular interventions (e.g.: while we may
unavailable zones

Past Events On the photos he’s taken, everything is slippery or slick. The photos have the brightness of rain water, of reflective surfaces. The landscapes, mostly coastlines and their swards, while wild and sombre, have a quality of light that comes from the freshly fallen rain illuminated by what daylight there is, tame but less
Frightened by the host: story
Sat in the Chapeltown library’s cafe, eating his lunch. Empty. Except for two women sitting behind him. African accents, ambient, but immersive, instant comfort, home. Without realising it, he’s slipped off to an intimate place that’s off the map. Only when the two young women come round the corner does he realise he was no
The wielding of power

Past Events By Zodwa NyoniOver landOver propertyOver bodiesOver narrativesRecent Posts
New article: “Unthinking philosophy: Aimé Césaire, poetry, and the politics of Western knowledge”

My latest article, “Unthinking philosphy: Aimé Césaire, poetry, and the politics of Western knowledge”, was just published here in Atlantic Studies (click here for a PDF).ExcerptLaying the foundation for rationalism, Descartes claims unambiguously that the sensible and the particular experience cannot be made into the object of science. From an Enlightenment point of view, origin
In response to the Arrivals Legacy Project

Past Events By Zodwa Nyoni1. RECOVERYI am Cut from the rootTrying to make sense Recreating myself hereGoing back to see what is thereA colonised body, journeying2. HOMEFor those who leave, there is a longing to return.3. TONGUEI longed for a voice that celebrated my blackness. When I began to speak I heard the beauty in